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Couperose is a innocent skin condition caused by the weakening of the blood vessels. Most of them are visible on your cheeks and nose. But what can you do about it? And what does it actually mean?

What is couperose?

Stuffed red or blue blood vessels in the face and an itchy or burning skin? This is couperose and it can be very annoying. It is completely innocent and it occurs especially by people with a light and thin skin in the age category from 30 years.

Why do I have couperose?

When you have couperose, the superficial blood vessels in the skin are dilated because they’ve become weaker. There are a few factors that can cause couperose and skin type is one of them. Other reasons for having couperose are temperature changes, alcohol consumption and intensive sunburn.  

The difference between couperose and rosacea

Rosacea is a form of . It is a chronic skin condition on the face where middle-aged  have mainly suffered from. Rosa can be recognized by the small surface veins, redness  inflammations. You might say that it’s an advanced stage of .

What can you do about it?

Couperose doesn’t pass on its own. It can remain stable over the years, but it can also become worse or expand. Intense pulsed light (IPL) is one of the most used methods to treat couperose. IPL shrinks the small blood vessels under the skin. The body clears up the vessels themselves and after that: the redness will disappear. Altruist has an amazing product for anti-redness, pigmentation and couperose! After a while, you’ll see the difference!